Results for: science education research
science education research
General ItemAbout the Science Education Ph.D. Program
The Science Education Doctoral Program is designed to prepare science educators for teaching science through inquiry processes where students apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. Our program specializes in the preparation of science teacher educators. The School of Education provides students with a plethora of research opportunities, including experimental and observational research, field research, and secondary data analysis. Graduate students are also encouraged to lead research projects and publish in scholarly journals. The school provides support for professional development to participate in conferences through travel grants.
- tag: teacher professional development programs
- tag: researchers in science edcuation
- tag: inclusion studies in education
- tag: best universities for science education
- tag: science education doctoral
- tag: best colleges for science education
- tag: science education doctoral program
- tag: science education doctorate
- tag: philosophy of education
- tag: best science education program
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: scholarship of science education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: the intersections of practice among STEM education areas
- tag: best colleges for science educators
- tag: equity in education
- tag: science education research
- tag: philosophy of science education
- tag: best graduate education programs
- tag: best science education doctorate
- tag: Education Programs
- tag: doctoral programs in education
- tag: gender in science
- tag: teaching science pedagogy
General ItemPhysics Licensure Program (6-12)
Earn your Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction with a concentration in Science Education, integrated with STEM Education. The program offers licensure in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics. The Secondary Science Education Program is nationally accredited and leads to licensure in middle and secondary science (in one of biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics, grades 6-12). The program includes a field experience in schools during the fall semester and a student teaching internship during the spring semester. The VT Science Education teacher preparation program boasts a nearly 100% job placement rate!
- tag: best universities for science education
- tag: best colleges for science education
- tag: Interdisciplinary Education Graduate Program
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: physics teacher masters program
- tag: scholarship of science education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: physics teacher licensure program
- tag: Teacher learning in STEM education
- tag: researchers in science edcuation
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: science education masters
- tag: STEM and engineering-related professional development for in-service K-12 teachers
- tag: pre-service teachers
- tag: Teaching
- tag: best colleges for science educators
- tag: philosophy of science education
- tag: Secondary Education Degree
- tag: secondary education major
- tag: best science education masters
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: physics teacher graduate program
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
- tag: teaching science pedagogy
- tag: teacher professional development programs
- tag: science teacher graduate program
- tag: masters program in education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: science education research
- tag: science teacher masters program
- tag: physics teacher preparation program
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: best education graduate programs
- tag: secondary education major colleges
- tag: teacher working conditions
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: best science education program
- tag: teacher induction
- tag: the intersections of practice among STEM education areas
- tag: science teacher preparation program
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: science teacher licensure program
- tag: best majors for teachers
General ItemBiology Licensure Program (6-12)
Earn your Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction with a concentration in Science Education, integrated with STEM Education. The program offers licensure in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics. The Secondary Science Education Program is nationally accredited and leads to licensure in middle and secondary science (in one of biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics, grades 6-12). The program includes a field experience in schools during the fall semester and a student teaching internship during the spring semester. The VT Science Education teacher preparation program boasts a nearly 100% job placement rate!
- tag: teacher professional development programs
- tag: science teacher graduate program
- tag: best universities for science education
- tag: biology teacher graduate program
- tag: best colleges for science education
- tag: pre secondary education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: scholarship of science education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: science education research
- tag: science teacher masters program
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: secondary education major colleges
- tag: Teacher learning in STEM education
- tag: researchers in science edcuation
- tag: biology teacher masters program
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: teacher working conditions
- tag: biology teacher preparation program
- tag: science education masters
- tag: STEM and engineering-related professional development for in-service K-12 teachers
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: pre-service teachers
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: biology teacher licensure program
- tag: best science education program
- tag: teacher induction
- tag: Teaching
- tag: the intersections of practice among STEM education areas
- tag: preservice teacher perceptions
- tag: Secondary Education Degree
- tag: science teacher preparation program
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: secondary education major
- tag: science teacher licensure program
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: best science education masters
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: teaching science pedagogy
General ItemChemistry Licensure Program (6-12)
Earn your Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction with a concentration in Science Education, integrated with STEM Education. The program offers licensure in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics. The Secondary Science Education Program is nationally accredited and leads to licensure in middle and secondary science (in one of biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics, grades 6-12). The program includes a field experience in schools during the fall semester and a student teaching internship during the spring semester. The VT Science Education teacher preparation program boasts a nearly 100% job placement rate!
- tag: teacher professional development programs
- tag: science teacher graduate program
- tag: best universities for science education
- tag: best colleges for science education
- tag: Science
- tag: masters program in education
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: chemistry teacher masters program
- tag: scholarship of science education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: science education research
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: chemistry teacher graduate program
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: chemistry teacher preparation program
- tag: best education graduate programs
- tag: secondary education major colleges
- tag: researchers in science edcuation
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: science education masters
- tag: STEM and engineering-related professional development for in-service K-12 teachers
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: best science education program
- tag: Teaching
- tag: chemistry teacher licensure program
- tag: best colleges for science educators
- tag: science teacher preparation program
- tag: Secondary Education Degree
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: secondary education major
- tag: science teacher licensure program
- tag: Teaching and Learning of Probability and Statistics
- tag: best science education masters
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: teaching science pedagogy
General ItemEarth Science Licensure Program (6-12)
Earn your Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction with a concentration in Science Education, integrated with STEM Education. The program offers licensure in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics. The Secondary Science Education Program is nationally accredited and leads to licensure in middle and secondary science (in one of biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics, grades 6-12). The program includes a field experience in schools during the fall semester and a student teaching internship during the spring semester. The VT Science Education teacher preparation program boasts a nearly 100% job placement rate!
- tag: college of education admission requirements
- tag: science teacher graduate program
- tag: best universities for science education
- tag: best colleges for science education
- tag: Science
- tag: earth science teacher masters program
- tag: earth science teacher graduate program
- tag: masters program in education
- tag: scholarship of science education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: science education research
- tag: science teacher masters program
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: colleges for education majors
- tag: earth science teacher licensure program
- tag: best education graduate programs
- tag: secondary education major colleges
- tag: Teacher learning in STEM education
- tag: researchers in science edcuation
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: teacher working conditions
- tag: science education masters
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: pre-service teachers
- tag: best science education program
- tag: teacher induction
- tag: best graduate education programs
- tag: preservice teacher perceptions
- tag: science teacher preparation program
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: science teacher licensure program
- tag: secondary education major
- tag: earth science teacher preparation program
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: best science education masters
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
- tag: teaching science pedagogy
General ItemScience Education (Ph.D.)
The Science Education Doctoral Program is designed to prepare science educators for teaching science through inquiry processes where students apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. Our program specializes in the preparation of science teacher educators. The School of Education provides students with a plethora of research opportunities, including experimental and observational research, field research, and secondary data analysis. Graduate students are also encouraged to lead research projects and publish in scholarly journals. The school provides support for professional development to participate in conferences through travel grants.
- tag: excellence in doctoral education programs
- tag: researchers in science edcuation
- tag: best universities for science education
- tag: science education doctoral
- tag: best colleges for science education
- tag: science education doctoral program
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: science education doctorate
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: best science education program
- tag: best education doctoral programs
- tag: Educational Mentoring
- tag: School of Education
- tag: scholarship of science education
- tag: best colleges for science educators
- tag: science education research
- tag: best science education doctorate
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: Teaching and Learning of Probability and Statistics
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: doctoral programs in education
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: teaching science pedagogy
General ItemResearch and Outreach at the SOE
The Virginia Tech School of Education is committed to fostering the highest quality research and scholarly practice in its faculty and students. Our faculty are active researchers and inspire great commitment to rigor, informing theory and practice, and the expansion of understanding of learning, instruction, and leadership in our students at every level. Our graduates consistently achieve as leaders in their fields, as do our faculty. With nearly $17 million in externally Funded Research, our faculty are widely recognized and awarded support for their ongoing work.
- tag: international and cross-cultural research in education
- tag: Funded Research
- tag: international and cross-cultural research
- tag: Distance learning
- tag: professional development rural teachers Virginia
- tag: disability studies in education
- tag: CITSIE
- tag: faculty professional development and career preparation underrepresented
- tag: HI bridge
- tag: researchers in science edcuation
- tag: educational opportunities for children and youth with disabilities
- tag: foundations of education research
- tag: HBCU Instructors Bridge to Academia Project
- tag: educational research in africa
- tag: Preparation of instructional technology professionals
- tag: VA Career View
- tag: rural education research
- tag: Virginia careerview
- tag: Innovations in technology
- tag: Training and Technical Assistance Center
- tag: Research Project
- tag: Underrepresented Minority STEM Doctoral Candidates
- tag: Historically Black Universities
- tag: VA careerview
- tag: rural higher education (Appalachia)
- tag: increase underrepresented STEM faculty
- tag: TTAC
- tag: research underrepresented minorities
- tag: Distance learning research
- tag: excellence in doctoral education programs
- tag: Center for Instructional Technology Solutions for Industry and Education
- tag: Research
- tag: rural education outreach
- tag: AGEP Alliance
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: contribute to educational success of children and youth with disabilities
- tag: instructional technology research and outreach
- tag: agep
- tag: science education research
- tag: africa education research and outreach
- tag: virginia career view
- tag: CRaDIE
- tag: Research Centers
- tag: educational technology research
- tag: Research Methods and Methodologies
- tag: rural education
- tag: HI Bridge to Academia Fellowship Program
- tag: disability outreach in education
- tag: Center for Rural Education
- tag: HI Bridge to Academia Faculty Mentoring Program
- tag: Center for Research and Development in International Education
- tag: hbus
- tag: Student Research
- tag: rural education studies
- tag: international and cross-cultural outreach activities
- tag: Design, development, and evaluation of learning experiences
General ItemOffice of Educational Research and Outreach
The Office of Educational Research and Outreach (OERO) supports faculty and graduate students in Virginia Tech’s School of Education as they pursue evidence-based empirical and qualitative inquiries related to education, training, program and product evaluation, and related venues in statewide, national, and international contexts.
General ItemAbout the Science Education Graduate Program (M.A.Ed.)
Earn your Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction with a concentration in Science Education, integrated with STEM Education. The program offers licensure in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics. The Secondary Science Education Program is nationally accredited and leads to licensure in middle and secondary science (in one of biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics, grades 6-12). The program includes a field experience in schools during the fall semester and a student teaching internship during the spring semester. The VT Science Education teacher preparation program boasts a nearly 100% job placement rate!
- tag: biology teacher graduate program
- tag: best colleges for science education
- tag: earth science teacher graduate program
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: physics teacher masters program
- tag: scholarship of science education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: Education Programs
- tag: Philosophy of Physics
- tag: physics teacher licensure program
- tag: Teacher learning in STEM education
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: STEM and engineering-related professional development for in-service K-12 teachers
- tag: science education masters
- tag: Teaching
- tag: best colleges for science educators
- tag: chemistry teacher licensure program
- tag: philosophy of science education
- tag: Education scholarships
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: best science education masters
- tag: physics teacher graduate program
- tag: doctoral programs in education
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: Disabilities in STEM
- tag: teaching science pedagogy
- tag: teacher professional development programs
- tag: science teacher graduate program
- tag: earth science teacher masters program
- tag: chemistry teacher masters program
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: STEM education
- tag: science teacher masters program
- tag: science education research
- tag: ESL-STEM
- tag: physics teacher preparation program
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: Philosophy of Biology
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: chemistry teacher graduate program
- tag: earth science teacher licensure program
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: chemistry teacher preparation program
- tag: best education graduate programs
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: biology teacher masters program
- tag: gender in STEM
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: teacher working conditions
- tag: biology teacher preparation program
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: biology teacher licensure program
- tag: best science education program
- tag: teacher induction
- tag: the intersections of practice among STEM education areas
- tag: preservice teacher perceptions
- tag: science teacher preparation program
- tag: Education Policy
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: science teacher licensure program
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: earth science teacher preparation program