Results for: Cognitive Diagnostic Models
Cognitive Diagnostic Models
General ItemAbout the Educational Psychology M.A.Ed. Program
The Educational Psychology Program prepares educational psychologists for a variety of roles, such as professors and researchers. Educational psychologists apply psychological research and theories to educational settings. Educational psychology is a broad discipline that applies psychological research and theories to educational settings. Students in the educational psychology programs study learning, development, motivation, assessment, testing, and instructional design. Individualized programs of study are developed for students to ensure that their studies prepare them well for the career paths they choose. We emphasize understanding theory and research related to learning and motivation, as well as how to apply empirically-based principles to issues and problems that affect the design, delivery, and evaluation of educational programs in a variety of practical settings. We offer high student/professor interaction, opportunities for student scholarship and research, and a commitment to diversity and equity. The faculty works closely with students to tailor their learning experiences to meet their goals.
- tag: peter doolittle education
- tag: graduate certificate program in cognition
- tag: best educational psychology masters program
- tag: Interdisciplinary Education Graduate Program
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: School of Education
- tag: best educational psychology doctoral program
- tag: teaching psychology
- tag: Cognitive Diagnostic Models
- tag: Cognition
- tag: best colleges for educational psychology
- tag: cognition and education
- tag: best universities for educational psychology
- tag: psychology of teaching
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: best educational psychology program
- tag: educational psychology excellence
- tag: Cognitive Development
- tag: educational psychology
- tag: educational psychology doctorate
- tag: educational psychology doctoral program
- tag: psychology of education
- tag: educational psychology studies
- tag: educational psychology masters
- tag: brett jones motivation
- tag: cognition and learning
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching