Results for: Bookshelf
Article ItemConversations in Community Change , article
The Community Change Collaborative (CCC) at Virginia Tech brings together student and faculty researchers, practitioners, and community partners who are committed to enacting democratic social change at local, regional, and global levels.
Article ItemRe: Reflections , article
In 2013 the Virginia Tech Institute for Policy and Governance (VTIPG) launched the online essay series “RE: Reflections and Explorations” for Virginia Tech graduate students to share articles concerning their evolving research, interests, and experiences on topics relevant to the VTIPG mission.
Article ItemPolicy and Politics of the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Eastern Mediterranean States , article
The large and continuing refugee stream that arose from the long-lived Syrian Civil War that began in 2011 has deeply affected the politics and demography of the countries of the eastern Mediterranean. This edited volume assesses the politics of the refugee crisis from the vantage point of those nations shaped by it, or whose leaders have explicitly sought to ameliorate it or use it otherwise to mobilize support.
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