Results for: prerequisites for elementary education
prerequisites for elementary education
Home ItemElementary Education Program , home
Build from a solid base of research and experience to teach at the K-6 levels with a master’s degree in Elementary Education from from Virginia Tech. The Elementary Education Program prepares elementary educators for 21st century classrooms and leads to initial licensure in Virginia. The Elementary Education Program faculty offer doctoral degree programs in Curriculum and Instruction. These Ph.D. or Ed.D. programs can include emphasis/specialization in: (a) Elementary Education PK-6, (b) Reading/Literacy, and/or (c) Teacher Education. Students are prepared for teaching and research positions in academic environments such as colleges, universities, and school districts. The Elementary Education Doctoral Programs provide a context for graduate education that is focused on theory, research, practice, innovation, inquiry, and equity.
- tag: Teach social studies
- tag: bachelor of elementary education major in general education
- tag: PK-6 licensure
- tag: Best programs for elementary education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: How to become an elementary teacher
- tag: Teach government
- tag: Teach math
- tag: Teach elementary school
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: prerequisites for elementary education
- tag: elementary ed major
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: Teach elementary school in Virginia
- tag: Teach History
- tag: Elementary Education Programs
- tag: elementary education course
- tag: elementary education degree requirements
- tag: Elementary school teacher
- tag: classes required for elementary education
- tag: elementary teacher education course
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: STEM and engineering-related professional development for in-service K-12 teachers
- tag: Elementary Education Major
- tag: elementary education major
- tag: elementary school teacher major
- tag: elementary education requirements
- tag: Elementary Education
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: classes needed for elementary education major
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
General ItemElementary Education (*Professional Licensure , PK-6)
Build from a solid base of research and experience to teach at the K-6 levels with a master’s degree in Elementary Education from from Virginia Tech. The Elementary Education Program prepares elementary educators for 21st century classrooms and leads to initial licensure in Virginia
- tag: School of Education Faculty
- tag: elementary education major requirements
- tag: child education major
- tag: School of Education
- tag: Best programs for elementary education
- tag: How to become an elementary teacher
- tag: Teach elementary school
- tag: prerequisites for elementary education
- tag: elementary ed major
- tag: Education Programs
- tag: Teach elementary school in Virginia
- tag: Elementary Education Programs
- tag: elementary education course
- tag: elementary education degree requirements
- tag: Elementary school teacher
- tag: classes required for elementary education
- tag: Education Research Project
- tag: elementary teacher education course
- tag: Elementary Education Major
- tag: elementary education major
- tag: Faculty Experts In Elementary Education
- tag: elementary school teacher major
- tag: education-majors-list
- tag: elementary education requirements
- tag: Elementary Education
- tag: education major colleges
- tag: classes needed for elementary education major
General ItemAbout the Elementary Education Teacher Preparation Program
Build from a solid base of research and experience to teach at the K-6 levels with a master’s degree in Elementary Education from from Virginia Tech. The Elementary Education Program prepares elementary educators for 21st century classrooms and leads to initial licensure in Virginia
- tag: elementary education major requirements
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: Best programs for elementary education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: elementary teacher major
- tag: How to become an elementary teacher
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: Teach math
- tag: Teach elementary school
- tag: colleges for education majors
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: prerequisites for elementary education
- tag: elementary ed major
- tag: Education Programs
- tag: childhood education major
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: Teach elementary school in Virginia
- tag: Elementary Education Programs
- tag: elementary education course
- tag: elementary education degree requirements
- tag: Elementary school teacher
- tag: classes required for elementary education
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: elementary teacher education course
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: Elementary Education Major
- tag: Teaching
- tag: elementary education major
- tag: elementary school teacher major
- tag: elementary education requirements
- tag: Elementary Education
- tag: education major colleges
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: Education scholarships
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: classes needed for elementary education major
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers