Results for: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
Home ItemEnglish Education Program , home
Virginia Tech's English Education Teacher Licensure Preparation Program melds traditional issues of teaching writing, language and literature with newly emerging practices and research in adolescent literacy, new literacies, multimodal technologies, teaching, and learning in 21st century classrooms. Interested in a doctorate in ELA Education? Build from a solid base of research and experience to prepare the next generation of teachers at the K-6 levels with a doctorate in English and Language Arts Education from from Virginia Tech. The English and Language Arts Education Program prepares English and Language Arts teacher educators for 21st century classrooms and the rigors of preparing highly-skilled ELA teachers.
- tag: English Teacher licensure
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: Teach English in Virginia
- tag: English and Language Arts Education Programs
- tag: Teach English
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: english language and literature studies
- tag: English teacher programs
- tag: english teaching major
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: English Teacher Requirements
- tag: Secondary English
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: Teaching Writing
- tag: High School English Teacher
- tag: Good colleges to become a english teacher
- tag: Language Arts Teacher
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: English Language Arts Education Major
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
General ItemAbout the Elementary Education Teacher Preparation Program
Build from a solid base of research and experience to teach at the K-6 levels with a master’s degree in Elementary Education from from Virginia Tech. The Elementary Education Program prepares elementary educators for 21st century classrooms and leads to initial licensure in Virginia
- tag: elementary education major requirements
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: Best programs for elementary education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: elementary teacher major
- tag: How to become an elementary teacher
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: Teach math
- tag: Teach elementary school
- tag: colleges for education majors
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: prerequisites for elementary education
- tag: elementary ed major
- tag: Education Programs
- tag: childhood education major
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: Teach elementary school in Virginia
- tag: Elementary Education Programs
- tag: elementary education course
- tag: elementary education degree requirements
- tag: Elementary school teacher
- tag: classes required for elementary education
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: elementary teacher education course
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: Elementary Education Major
- tag: Teaching
- tag: elementary education major
- tag: elementary school teacher major
- tag: elementary education requirements
- tag: Elementary Education
- tag: education major colleges
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: Education scholarships
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: classes needed for elementary education major
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
Home ItemReading Specialist Program , home
Join Virginia Tech School of Education's new, innovative 5-semester graduate program in Reading Education, leading to an M.A.Ed. or Ed.S. degree and Reading Specialist Endorsement in Virginia!
- tag: Elementary school teacher
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: Reading Public
- tag: Reading Specialist Academic News
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: Reading
- tag: School of Education
- tag: Reading Specialist
- tag: Language Arts Teacher
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: Teach elementary school
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: Beginning Reading
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: Teach elementary school in Virginia
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
Home ItemMusic Education Program , home
Build from a solid base of research and experience to teach at the K-12 levels with a master’s degree in Music Education from from Virginia Tech. The Music Education Program prepares choral or instrumental music educators for 21st century classrooms and leads to initial licensure in Virginia
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: Teach elementary school
- tag: colleges for education majors
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: Teach elementary school in Virginia
- tag: music education degree
- tag: Elementary school teacher
- tag: Education Research Project
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: music education major
- tag: Secondary Education Degree
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: education-majors-list
- tag: education major colleges
- tag: Education scholarships
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: music teacher education requirements
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
General ItemAbout the English Education Teacher Preparation Program
Virginia Tech's English Education Teacher Licensure Preparation Program melds traditional issues of teaching writing, language and literature with newly emerging practices and research in adolescent literacy, new literacies, multimodal technologies, teaching, and learning in 21st century classrooms. The English Education Programs at Virginia Tech prepare English teachers, teacher educators, and scholars to be successful in the context of increasingly standardized education reforms. Working from the perspective that learning should be a generative act, faculty guide students in the exploration of concepts that make student-centered, dialogic approaches central constructs in the study of teaching and learning. Courses in the program focus on literacy development and consider the roles of language and culture in approaches to teaching that bring classroom content into dialogue with students’ lives in 21st century classrooms.
- tag: English Teacher licensure
- tag: english education major
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: secondary english education major
- tag: CLAHS scholarships
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: colleges for education majors
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: Teach English in Virginia
- tag: Teach English
- tag: Education Programs
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: what can I do with an english degree besides teach
- tag: English teacher programs
- tag: english teaching major
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: English Teacher Requirements
- tag: english education
- tag: teacher working conditions
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: Teaching Writing
- tag: Teaching
- tag: High School English Teacher
- tag: Good colleges to become a english teacher
- tag: Language Arts Teacher
- tag: Scholarships and Awards
- tag: Secondary Education Degree
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: education-majors-list
- tag: education major colleges
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: Education scholarships
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: VT scholarships and awards
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
General ItemAbout the Marketing Education Teacher Preparation Program
Build from a solid base of research and experience to teach at the secondary levels (grades 6-12) in Virginia with a master’s degree in Career & Technical Education from from Virginia Tech. We offer programs in Agricultural Education, Business and Information Technology Education, Family and Consumer Services Education, and Marketing Education. The Career & Technical Education Program prepares practical educators for 21st century classrooms and leads to initial licensure in Virginia.
- tag: college of education admission requirements
- tag: Career and Technical Education
- tag: Teaching Family Studies
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: masters program in education
- tag: bs education subjects
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: Marketing and Distributive Educators
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: Marketing to Consumers
- tag: pre education
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: best education graduate programs
- tag: top colleges for education majors
- tag: Marketing and Consumers
- tag: Vocational and Technical Education
- tag: Marketing communications
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: education colleges
- tag: Marketing Education
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: teacher working conditions
- tag: Journal of Consumer Marketing
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: pre-service teachers
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: Top Fashion Marketing Schools
- tag: teacher induction
- tag: Teaching
- tag: Consumer Marketing
- tag: best graduate education programs
- tag: education major classes
- tag: preservice teacher perceptions
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: What Can You Do With A Fashion Marketing Degree
- tag: Study Fashion Marketing
- tag: Marketing Study
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: Marketing
General ItemAbout the Agricultural Education Teacher Preparation Program
Build from a solid base of research and experience to teach at the secondary levels (grades 6-12) in Virginia with a master’s degree in Career & Technical Education from from Virginia Tech. We offer programs in Agricultural Education, Business and Information Technology Education, Family and Consumer Services Education, and Marketing Education. The Career & Technical Education Program prepares practical educators for 21st century classrooms and leads to initial licensure in Virginia.
- tag: Career and Technical Education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: Ag Teacher
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: Agricultural Education programs
- tag: Colleges with Agricultural Education
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: Teacher learning in STEM education
- tag: Agricultural education
- tag: Vocational and Technical Education
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: teacher working conditions
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: pre-service teachers
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: teacher induction
- tag: Virginia Tech Career and Technical Education
- tag: FFA Teacher
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
General ItemFamily and Consumer Sciences (Teacher Licensure)
Build from a solid base of research and experience to teach at the secondary levels (grades 6-12) in Virginia with a master’s degree in Career & Technical Education from from Virginia Tech. We offer programs in Agricultural Education, Business and Information Technology Education, Family and Consumer Services Education, and Marketing Education. The Career & Technical Education Program prepares practical educators for 21st century classrooms and leads to initial licensure in Virginia.
- tag: teacher professional development programs
- tag: college of education admission requirements
- tag: Career and Technical Education
- tag: Teaching Family Studies
- tag: family and consumer studies
- tag: what is family and consumer science
- tag: masters program in education
- tag: family and consumer science careers
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: family and consumer science major
- tag: family and consumer science curriculum
- tag: family and consumer science education degree
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: colleges for education majors
- tag: Consumer Studies Teaching Posts
- tag: family and consumer science classes
- tag: family and consumer science courses
- tag: Education Programs
- tag: family and consumer science teacher
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: best education graduate programs
- tag: What Can I Do With A Family Studies Degree
- tag: Vocational and Technical Education
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: family and consumer science education
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: teacher working conditions
- tag: family and consumer science jobs
- tag: Family and Consumer Science
- tag: Family and consumer sciences field study
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: teacher induction
- tag: Teaching
- tag: Family and Consumer Studies Jobs
- tag: education major classes
- tag: education major colleges
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
Home ItemScience Education Program , home
Earn your Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction with a concentration in Science Education, integrated with STEM Education. The program offers licensure in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics. The Secondary Science Education Program is nationally accredited and leads to licensure in middle and secondary science (in one of biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics, grades 6-12). The program includes a field experience in schools during the fall semester and a student teaching internship during the spring semester. The VT Science Education teacher preparation program boasts a nearly 100% job placement rate! The Science Education Doctoral Program is designed to prepare science educators for teaching science through inquiry processes where students apply their knowledge in real-world contexts. Our program specializes in the preparation of science teacher educators. The School of Education provides students with a plethora of research opportunities, including experimental and observational research, field research, and secondary data analysis. Graduate students are also encouraged to lead research projects and publish in scholarly journals. The school provides support for professional development to participate in conferences through travel grants.
- tag: best universities for science education
- tag: science education doctoral
- tag: best colleges for science education
- tag: biology teacher graduate program
- tag: earth science teacher graduate program
- tag: physics teacher masters program
- tag: School of Education
- tag: scholarship of science education
- tag: best science education doctorate
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: Philosophy of Physics
- tag: masters programs rankings
- tag: physics teacher licensure program
- tag: Teacher learning in STEM education
- tag: researchers in science edcuation
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: science education masters
- tag: science education doctorate
- tag: STEM and engineering-related professional development for in-service K-12 teachers
- tag: Teaching
- tag: best colleges for science educators
- tag: chemistry teacher licensure program
- tag: Autonomy
- tag: Secondary Education Degree
- tag: secondary education major
- tag: Teaching and Learning of Probability and Statistics
- tag: best science education masters
- tag: colleges with teaching majors
- tag: physics teacher graduate program
- tag: doctoral programs in education
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
- tag: Scholarship of Teaching
- tag: teaching science pedagogy
- tag: online science education
- tag: teacher professional development programs
- tag: science teacher graduate program
- tag: earth science teacher masters program
- tag: chemistry teacher masters program
- tag: teacher education major
- tag: science teacher masters program
- tag: physics teacher preparation program
- tag: Philosophy of Biology
- tag: best-practices in teacher education
- tag: college majors for teachers
- tag: chemistry teacher graduate program
- tag: earth science teacher licensure program
- tag: best colleges for teaching majors
- tag: chemistry teacher preparation program
- tag: secondary education major colleges
- tag: biology teacher masters program
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: teacher working conditions
- tag: biology teacher preparation program
- tag: science education doctoral program
- tag: major to become a teacher
- tag: what to major in to be a teacher
- tag: teaching majors
- tag: best science education program
- tag: biology teacher licensure program
- tag: teacher induction
- tag: preservice teacher perceptions
- tag: science teacher preparation program
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: science teacher licensure program
- tag: earth science teacher preparation program
- tag: best majors for teachers
- tag: online science teacher professional development
General ItemAbout the Educational Psychology Doctoral Program
The Educational Psychology Program prepares educational psychologists for a variety of roles, such as professors and researchers. Educational psychologists apply psychological research and theories to educational settings. Educational psychology is a broad discipline that applies psychological research and theories to educational settings. Students in the educational psychology programs study learning, development, motivation, assessment, testing, and instructional design. Individualized programs of study are developed for students to ensure that their studies prepare them well for the career paths they choose. We emphasize understanding theory and research related to learning and motivation, as well as how to apply empirically-based principles to issues and problems that affect the design, delivery, and evaluation of educational programs in a variety of practical settings. We offer high student/professor interaction, opportunities for student scholarship and research, and a commitment to diversity and equity. The faculty works closely with students to tailor their learning experiences to meet their goals.
- tag: education interdisciplinary doctorate
- tag: peter doolittle education
- tag: best educational psychology masters program
- tag: cognition and learning graduate certificate
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: School of Education
- tag: best educational psychology doctoral program
- tag: teaching psychology
- tag: Cognition
- tag: Psychology
- tag: best colleges for educational psychology
- tag: cognition and education
- tag: psychology of teaching
- tag: best universities for educational psychology
- tag: best educational psychology program
- tag: Cognitive process and multimedia teaching and learning
- tag: educational psychology excellence
- tag: Cognitive Development
- tag: educational psychology
- tag: educational psychology doctorate
- tag: educational psychology doctoral program
- tag: psychology of education
- tag: educational psychology studies
- tag: brett jones motivation
- tag: doctoral programs in education
Page 1 of 3 | 23 Results