Results for: best colleges for educational leadership
best colleges for educational leadership
General ItemEducational Leadership and Policy Studies Ph.D. Program
The Educational Leadership and Policy Studies doctoral program is available at multiple Virginia Tech campuses across Virginia. Designed for working professionals, the program is conducted on a part- or full-time basis, with coursework that balances modern theory with real-life practice. The vast majority of our doctoral students pursue the Ed.D., though a Ph.D. option is available. For over forty years, the Virginia Tech Educational Leadership Doctoral Program has prepared aspiring educational administrators throughout the Commonwealth. Ed.D. graduates leave with the skills they need to lead ethically; advance equity and social justice in educational settings; consider and implement educational policy; lead innovative practices; communicate with diverse constituents; and improve the learning and well-being of all PK-12 students. Approximately one-third of all School Superintendents in Virginia are graduates of the Virginia Tech program.
- tag: globalized leadership preparation
- tag: Board of Education and Superintendent Relationships
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: inclusive leadership
- tag: doctoral program in educational leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: Leadership
- tag: Educational Mentoring
- tag: superintendent preparation program
- tag: supervisor development
- tag: Leadership Development
- tag: Women's Leadership
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: best superintendent preparation programs
- tag: Globally Aware Leadership Development
General ItemEducational Leadership and Policy Studies
The Principal Preparation Program is a graduate degree program designed to fit the needs of working educational professionals, the program is conducted on a part- or full-time basis, with coursework that balances modern academic theory with real-life practice. Our Principal Preparation graduates leave with the skills they need to lead ethically, work confidently with diverse populations, advance equity and social justice in educational settings, and lead innovative programs to improve the learning and well-being of PK-12 students. Both of the M.A.Ed. and Ed.S. degree tracks prepare students to meet the requirements of Virginia's School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA). After graduating, students must pass the SLLA to receive licensure as a Virginia school leader.
- tag: globalized leadership preparation
- tag: principal preparation program
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: inclusive leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: best principal preparation programs
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: Leadership
- tag: Educational Mentoring
- tag: principal licensure program
- tag: best colleges for principal preparation
- tag: Leadership Development
- tag: Women's Leadership
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: best colleges for pk12 principal preparation
- tag: Globally Aware Leadership Development
- tag: masters program in educational leadership
General ItemEducational Leadership and Policy Studies
The Principal Preparation Program is a graduate degree program designed to fit the needs of working educational professionals, the program is conducted on a part- or full-time basis, with coursework that balances modern academic theory with real-life practice. Our Principal Preparation graduates leave with the skills they need to lead ethically, work confidently with diverse populations, advance equity and social justice in educational settings, and lead innovative programs to improve the learning and well-being of PK-12 students. Both of the M.A.Ed. and Ed.S. degree tracks prepare students to meet the requirements of Virginia's School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA). After graduating, students must pass the SLLA to receive licensure as a Virginia school leader.
- tag: principal preparation program
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: inclusive leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: best principal preparation programs
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: Leadership
- tag: Educational Mentoring
- tag: principal licensure program
- tag: best colleges for principal preparation
- tag: Leadership Development
- tag: Women's Leadership
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: best colleges for pk12 principal preparation
- tag: Globally Aware Leadership Development
- tag: masters program in educational leadership
General ItemEducational Leadership and Policy Studies Ed.D. Program
The Educational Leadership and Policy Studies doctoral program is available at multiple Virginia Tech campuses across Virginia. Designed for working professionals, the program is conducted on a part- or full-time basis, with coursework that balances modern theory with real-life practice. The vast majority of our doctoral students pursue the Ed.D., though a Ph.D. option is available. For over forty years, the Virginia Tech Educational Leadership Doctoral Program has prepared aspiring educational administrators throughout the Commonwealth. Ed.D. graduates leave with the skills they need to lead ethically; advance equity and social justice in educational settings; consider and implement educational policy; lead innovative practices; communicate with diverse constituents; and improve the learning and well-being of all PK-12 students. Approximately one-third of all School Superintendents in Virginia are graduates of the Virginia Tech program.
- tag: globalized leadership preparation
- tag: Board of Education and Superintendent Relationships
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: inclusive leadership
- tag: doctoral program in educational leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: Leadership
- tag: Educational Mentoring
- tag: superintendent preparation program
- tag: Leadership Development
- tag: Women's Leadership
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: best superintendent preparation programs
- tag: Globally Aware Leadership Development
General ItemEducational Leadership and Policy Studies
The Principal Preparation Program is a graduate degree program designed to fit the needs of working educational professionals, the program is conducted on a part- or full-time basis, with coursework that balances modern academic theory with real-life practice. Our Principal Preparation graduates leave with the skills they need to lead ethically, work confidently with diverse populations, advance equity and social justice in educational settings, and lead innovative programs to improve the learning and well-being of PK-12 students. Both of the M.A.Ed. and Ed.S. degree tracks prepare students to meet the requirements of Virginia's School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA). After graduating, students must pass the SLLA to receive licensure as a Virginia school leader.
- tag: globalized leadership preparation
- tag: principal preparation program
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: inclusive leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: best principal preparation programs
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: Leadership
- tag: Educational Mentoring
- tag: principal licensure program
- tag: best colleges for principal preparation
- tag: Leadership Development
- tag: Women's Leadership
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: best colleges for pk12 principal preparation
- tag: Globally Aware Leadership Development
- tag: masters program in educational leadership
General ItemEducational Leadership and Policy Studies
For over forty years, Virginia Tech has developed Excellence in Leadership with our Educational Leadership and Policy Studies programs for future PK-12 school principals, school division superintendents, central office administrators, university administrators, and state department of education officials. Many of our graduates go on to serve in non-profits or as university faculty as well. Keywords: Principal Preparation, Principal Licensure in Virginia, Superintendent Preparation, Educational Leadership, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, state DOE official preparation, SLLA preparation
- tag: globalized leadership preparation
- tag: principal preparation program
- tag: Board of Education and Superintendent Relationships
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: inclusive leadership
- tag: doctoral program in educational leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: best principal preparation programs
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: Leadership
- tag: Educational Mentoring
- tag: supervisor development
- tag: superintendent preparation program
- tag: principal licensure program
- tag: best colleges for principal preparation
- tag: Leadership Development
- tag: Women's Leadership
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: best superintendent preparation programs
- tag: best colleges for pk12 principal preparation
- tag: Globally Aware Leadership Development
- tag: masters program in educational leadership
Home ItemEducational Leadership and Policy Studies , home
For over forty years, Virginia Tech has developed Excellence in Leadership with our Educational Leadership and Policy Studies programs for future PK-12 school principals, school division superintendents, central office administrators, university administrators, and state department of education officials. Many of our graduates go on to serve in non-profits or as university faculty as well. Keywords: Principal Preparation, Principal Licensure in Virginia, Superintendent Preparation, Educational Leadership, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, state DOE official preparation, SLLA preparation
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: principal preparation program
- tag: Board of Education and Superintendent Relationships
- tag: inclusive leadership
- tag: doctoral program in educational leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: best principal preparation programs
- tag: Leadership
- tag: Educational Mentoring
- tag: superintendent preparation program
- tag: best graduate education programs
- tag: principal licensure program
- tag: Leadership Development
- tag: Education Policy
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: best superintendent preparation programs
- tag: best colleges for pk12 principal preparation
- tag: Globally Aware Leadership Development
- tag: Education Programs
- tag: masters program in educational leadership
General ItemPrincipal Preparation Program
The Principal Preparation Program is a graduate degree program designed to fit the needs of working educational professionals, the program is conducted on a part- or full-time basis, with coursework that balances modern academic theory with real-life practice. Our Principal Preparation graduates leave with the skills they need to lead ethically, work confidently with diverse populations, advance equity and social justice in educational settings, and lead innovative programs to improve the learning and well-being of PK-12 students. Both of the M.A.Ed. and Ed.S. degree tracks prepare students to meet the requirements of Virginia's School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA). After graduating, students must pass the SLLA to receive licensure as a Virginia school leader.
- tag: globalized leadership preparation
- tag: principal preparation program
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: inclusive leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: best principal preparation programs
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: Leadership
- tag: Educational Mentoring
- tag: principal licensure program
- tag: best colleges for principal preparation
- tag: Leadership Development
- tag: Women's Leadership
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: best colleges for pk12 principal preparation
- tag: Globally Aware Leadership Development
- tag: masters program in educational leadership
General ItemPrincipal Preparation Program
The Principal Preparation Program is a graduate degree program designed to fit the needs of working educational professionals, the program is conducted on a part- or full-time basis, with coursework that balances modern academic theory with real-life practice. Our Principal Preparation graduates leave with the skills they need to lead ethically, work confidently with diverse populations, advance equity and social justice in educational settings, and lead innovative programs to improve the learning and well-being of PK-12 students. Both of the M.A.Ed. and Ed.S. degree tracks prepare students to meet the requirements of Virginia's School Leadership Licensure Assessment (SLLA). After graduating, students must pass the SLLA to receive licensure as a Virginia school leader.
- tag: globalized leadership preparation
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: principal preparation program
- tag: inclusive leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: best principal preparation programs
- tag: Leadership
- tag: principal licensure program
- tag: Leadership Development
- tag: best colleges for principal preparation
- tag: Women's Leadership
- tag: best colleges for pk12 principal preparation
- tag: Globally Aware Leadership Development
- tag: masters program in educational leadership
Home ItemHigher Education and Student Affairs Program , home
The Virginia Tech School of Education's Higher Education and Student Affairs (HED) Program focuses on preparing leaders for postsecondary education who use and produce high-impact research as part of their practice and who are committed to service in both professional and personal contexts. Our graduates are employed as student affairs and higher education professionals, faculty members, and administrative leaders in colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and internationally. Our graduates are experts in residence life, student activities, student success, academic advising, new student orientation, leadership development, campus cultural centers and multicultural affairs, career services, academic affairs, outreach and engagement, advancement, and equity, diversity, and inclusion.
- tag: best programs in educational leadership
- tag: higher education administration programs
- tag: remote sensor technology in higher education
- tag: Federal Role in Higher Education
- tag: masters program in education
- tag: doctoral program in educational leadership
- tag: best colleges for educational leadership
- tag: masters program in higher education
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: graduate certificate program in higher education administration
- tag: School of Education
- tag: higher education administration graduate programs
- tag: best graduate education programs
- tag: assessment in higher education
- tag: rural higher education (Appalachia)
- tag: doctoral program in higher education
- tag: Higher Education
- tag: best higher education administration programs
- tag: doctoral programs in education
- tag: best education graduate programs
- tag: masters program in educational leadership
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