To find out more about "The Cretans," including links for listening, visit "The Cretans" website.

The premiere of "The Cretans" was presented on Oct. 2, 9, and 16, 2020.

"The Cretans" is an original, world-premiere audio drama. This production is an adaptation of a theatre script by award-winning author, poet, and playwright, and Virginia Tech English professor Ed Falco and directed by School of Performing Arts faculty member Patricia Raun. The piece is being produced by the Virginia Tech School of Performing Arts as part of the Fall 2020 Online Season.

This explorative production investigates the dramatization of the ancient Greek myth of the birth of the Minotaur and the end of the era of Gaea worship.

About the story: "The Cretans" is an original verse play structured around an extant fragment of Euripides’ "The Cretans." The play brings to life the story of Pasiphae’s betrayal of King Minos with the white bull, the subsequent birth of the Minotaur, Minos’ revenge on Daedalus for having crafted the disguise that lured the white bull, and on Pasiphae for her infidelity. The action ultimately leads to the creation of the labyrinth to contain the monster and to the imprisonment of Daedalus and Icarus. The questions in the play revolve around issues of betrayal and loyalty, of personal and social responsibility, of fate and free will, and of the end of Matriarchy and the rise of Patriarchy.

The audio drama is presented in three parts.

The playbill may be downloaded and viewed here. A moderated discussion via Zoom will be offered after each performance.