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Virginia Tech Honor String Orchestra Festival- November 15 & 16, 2024

The inaugural Virginia Tech Honor String Orchestra Festival takes place November 15 and 16, 2024 and accepts students by director's recommendation. Students will participate in masterclasses with Virginia Tech’s outstanding string faculty.

On Saturday evening, the festival will culminate in a combined concert in the Anne and Ellen Five Theatre in the Moss Arts Center. The concert will feature the Honor String Orchestra first, followed by the VT Philharmonic Orchestra, and close the evening with a side-by-side piece with Honor Strings and VT Philharmonic combined.


Mathias Elmer

Mathias Elmer
(Virginia Tech)
Director of Orchestral Activities

Virginia Tech String Faculty

John Irrera, dark hair and glasses, plays a violin

John Irrera
Violin, Chamber Music

Alan Weinstein, wearing a brown jacket, smiles

Alan Weinstein
Cello, Double Bass, Chamber Music, Fine Arts Studies

Molly Wilkens-Reed, dressed in a black top, brown hair and glasses, holds a viola

Molly Wilkens-Reed
Viola, Director Virginia Tech String Project

Yi-Wen Evans, short dark hair and classes, wearing a black top, plays the bass

Note: we are not directly affiliated with any of these hotels.