Invitation to 'This is Not a Scam' theatre workshop series
August 2, 2022

Friday, Oct. 21, Nov. 11, Dec. 2, 2022 at 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Theatre 101
it's the IRS, the LOTTERY, MEDICARE, DELL TECHNICAL SUPPORT, your GRANDCHILD, and you need to send $$$ now!
In 2021, there were 92,371 older victims of fraud resulting in $1.7 billion in losses!
Here at VT, a team of artists/researchers are creating a performance to help prevent online scams based on interviews with older Virginians. The performance will tour local libraries and senior centers. You can learn more about this Performance to Reduce Online Scams (PROS) here.
This semester, we're holding a series of workshops to further develop the script and devise material for the final interactive performance, which will be held in February.
Please join us for one or all of the workshops.