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Hyesoo Yoo

Hyesoo Yoo, Associate Professor of Music Education

Hyesoo Yoo, Assistant Professor of Music Education
Hyesoo Yoo, Associate Professor of Music Education

School of Performing Arts 
242C Squires (0141)
195 Alumni Mall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540-231-8496 |

Hyesoo Yoo is an associate professor of Music Education at Virginia Tech where she teaches elementary music methods, secondary music methods, music education lab ensemble, and women’s chorus. Her research interest includes intercultural approaches in music education, creative activities, lifelong music learning, and the innovative uses of technology in classrooms. She has published in many journals such as the Journal of Research in Music EducationPsychology of Music, Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Journal of Teacher Music Education, Research Studies of Music Education, Update: Applications of Research n Music Education, Contributions in Music Education, the Music Educators Journal, and General Music Today. She is a member of the editorial committees of the Music Educators Journal. She has presented at numerous conferences throughout the U.S. and internationally, including NAfME Music Research & Teacher Education Conference, Society for Music Teacher Education, American Educational Research Association, the 10th Asia Pacific Symposium on Music Education Research, the International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, ACDA National Conference, ACDA Symposium on Research in Choral Singing, ACDA Voices United, the Florida Music Educators Association, and the Virginia Music Educators Associations.

  • World music pedagogy
  • Intercultural approaches in music education
  • Creative activities
  • Lifelong music learning
  • Innovative uses of technology in classrooms
  • PhD in Music Education, University of Florida, 2016
  • Master of Music in Choral Conducting, Florida State University, 2003
  • Master of Music in Voice Performance, Syracuse University, 1998
  • Bachelor of Music in Music Education & Voice Performance, Catholic University, 1994
  • Music Educators Journal, Editorial Committee
  • 2019, Center for Music Education Research (CMER) Outstanding Emerging Researcher Award (the Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium)

Journal Articles:

Yoo, H. (2020). Factors influencing future music participation: A review of literature based on the theory of planned behavior. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. 28, 18–28, doi:10.1177/8755123320904748

Yoo, H. & Kang, S (2020). Development of a checklist to evaluate music education websites for world music inclusion. Contributions to Music Education. 45, 187­–203.

Yoo, H. (2020). Factors influencing future music participation: A review of literature based on the theory of planned behavior. Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. 28, 18–28, doi:10.1177/8755123320904748

Yoo, H. & Kang, S (2020). Development of a checklist to evaluate music education websites for world music inclusion. Contributions to Music Education. 45, 187­–203.

Yoo, H., Kang, S., Molina. C.L. (2019). Engaged listening experiences: World music samplers. General Music Today. 33, 14–20, doi: 10.1177/1048371319890291

Kang, S., & Yoo, H. (2019). Music teachers’ work engagement and psychological needs as predictors of their well-being. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education. 221, 58­–71,


Kang, S & Yoo, H. (2019). American Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Self-Reported Learning Outcomes from Participating in Korean Percussion Lessons in a Music-Methods Course. Research Studies in Music Education. 41, 327­–342, doi:10.1177/1321103X18806084

Yoo, H. & Kang, S. (2018). Instructional Approaches to Teaching a Korean Percussion Ensemble (Samulnori) to Preservice Music Teachers and Preservice Classroom Teachers: An Action Research Study. Journal of Music Teacher Education. 28(1), 70­–82, doi: 10.1177/1057083718777317

Yoo, H. & Kang, S. & Fung, C. V (2018). Personality and world music preferences of undergraduate non-music majors in south Korea and the united states. Psychology of Music. 46, 611­–625, doi:10.1177/0305735617716757

Yoo. H (2017). Multicultural choral music pedagogy based on idea of facets Models. Music Educators Journal. 104, 34–39, doi: 10.1177/0027432117708602

Yoo, H. & Kang, S. (2017). Korean folk song (Ariring) through performing, creating, and responding. General Music Today. 31, 16–25, doi: 10.1177/1048371317705163

Yoo, H (2016). A web-based environment for facilitating reflective self-assessment of choral conducting students. Contributions to Music Education. 41, 113–130.   

Kang, S. & Yoo, H. (2016). Korea’s Samulnori as your own story: Samulnori (Korean percussion ensemble) and its application to the general music classroom. General Music Today. 29, 4–11, doi:10.1177/1048371315626501

Kang, S. & Yoo, H (2016). Effects of a Westernized Korean folk music selection on students’ music familiarity and preference for its traditional version. Journal of Research in Music Education. 63: 469–486, doi:10.1177/0022429415620195

Yoo. H. (2015). Using Baroque techniques to teach improvisation in your classroom. Music Educators Journal, 102, 91–96. doi:10.1177/0027432115590859

Yoo, H. & Kang, S. (2014). Teaching Korean rhythms in music class through improvisation, composition, and student performance, General Music Today, 28, 16–22. doi: 10.1177/1048371314527759

Book Chapters

Kang, S. & Yoo, H. (2016). Should students produce musical or cultural outcomes? Evaluating educational outcomes of learning world musics in general music classes. In T. S. Brophy (Ed.), Assessment in music education: Integrating curriculum, theory, and practice Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, Inc. p. 77–88.

  • Yoo. H (2018, April). Multicultural choral music pedagogy based on idea of facets Models. Invited lecture presented to a graduate level music education course at University of Northern Iowa, Cedar fall, IA.
  • Yoo, H. (2016, February). Creativity for 21th century skills in music classroom. Invited lecture presented to a graduate level music education course at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
  • Yoo, H. (2016, February). Infusing creativity into your choral rehearsal. Invited lecture presented to an undergraduate level choral music education at Lenoir–Rhyne University, Hickory, NC.
  • 2019, 2nd VT Honor Choir (Blacksburg, VT). Conductor for VT High School Honor Choir
  • 2019, VT Fall Show Choir. Conductor, VT Women’s Chorus
  • 2018, 1st VT Honor Choir (Blacksburg, VT). Conductor for VT High School Honor Choir
  • 2018, Highland Honor Choir (Abingdon, Virginia). Conductor for High School Honor Choir
  • 2018, Ebenezer Youth Choir Alumni (Seoul, South Korea). Conductor for Alumni Choir
  • 2018, VT Fall Show Choir. Conductor, VT Women’s Chorus
  • 2018, VT Spring Show Choir. Conductor, VT Women’s Chorus
  • MUS 2274: Music Education Lab Ensemble
  • MUS 4204: Secondary Methods/ Rehearsal Techniques
  • MUS 3214: Teaching Music in the Elementary School
  • MUS 4964: Supervising Teaching
  • MUS 3414: Women’s Chorus