
Concert Bands
With three different concert bands, the Department of Music offers wind and percussion performance opportunities for all Virginia Tech students, from music majors preparing for professional careers to non-majors who want to continue playing in a band in college.
All students, regardless of major, are welcome to participate in the bands and orchestras at Virginia Tech!
Derek Shapiro, Conductor
The premier auditioned wind band at Virginia Tech. The ensemble rehearses three times weekly, presents at least three concerts on campus each semester, performs regularly across the state and region on tour and at music conferences. This ensemble made its first appearance at the Kennedy Center in 2011, and appeared at Carnegie Hall in April 2013 and April 2017. Ensemble participation is open to all students through audition each semester.
- The group performs about 6 concerts each school-year, at a variety of places in and around the Blacksburg area
- Ensemble Size: Approximately 50
- Meeting Time: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 2:30-4:10 p.m. (Fall & Spring)
Chad Reep, Conductor (In the Fall Semester)
Polly Middleton, Conductor (In the Spring Semester)
The Symphony Band performs a variety of works from traditional wind band repertory to contemporary works. Ensemble participation is open to all students through audition each semester.
- The group performs four concerts on campus each year and regularly shares programs with the Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Campus Band.
- Ensemble Size: Approximately 75–85 members
- Meeting Time: Tuesday & Thursday, 3:30–4:45 p.m.
Chad Reep, Conductor
The Campus Band is a non-auditioned concert band that rehearses one night weekly during the spring semester. The ensemble provides an opportunity for students who wish to play in a concert band with a lighter time commitment than the other ensembles. The ensemble performs a variety of works from the wind band repertory, including contemporary and traditional wind band works, transcriptions, and marches.
- The Campus Band performs one concert on campus each spring
- Instrument Rental: Bassoon, bass clarinet, tenor and baritone saxophone, euphonium, and tuba may be rented for a small fee each semester.
- Ensemble Size: Approximately 110 members
- Meeting Time: Monday from 7:00–9:00 p.m.
Athletic Bands
Athletic bands at Virginia Tech support the Hokies and thrill thousands of spectators across the country. The Marching Virginians and Hokies Pep Band play at all home football and men's basketball games, and travel to away games, ACC tournaments, and bowl games. Students from across the entire university participate in these nationally renowned musical organizations!
Polly Middleton, Director
Chad Reep, Assistant Director
- In the fall of 2014, The Marching Virginians celebrated their 40th Anniversary of high-energy performances and exciting music to support the Hokies
- Since their creation in 1974, The Marching Virginians have performed for hundreds of nationally televised football games and parades. The MVs have received numerous compliments for outstanding performances at Virginia Tech's recent bowl games, including the 2008 and 2010 FedEx Orange Bowls and the 2012 Sugar Bowl.
- Members of the Marching Virginians include students from all walks of life and from majors across the university. Though none of the students who participate in the MVs will receive scholarships for joining this band, competitive auditions are open to all Virginia Tech students - even graduate students.
- Schedules and meeting times depend on the schedule of the football season.
Chad Reep, Director
- The Hokies Pep Band joins the basketball Hokies as a spirited sixth man each season, keeping the Hokies and their fans intent on victory.
- The band is a select ensemble, with keen competition for each of the 70 non-scholarship positions.
- The superior musicianship of the band has been acknowledged numerous times, including being named "best pep band" in the Metro Conference by veteran sportswriter Jack Bogaczyk and being the only pep band ever invited to perform at the VMEA Conference
- Schedules and meeting times depend on the schedule of the basketball season
James Bean, Director
The Virginia Tech Regimental Band is Virginia Tech's longest serving musical organization. In 1893, a cadet band company was formed as a permanent part of the cadet regiment. For almost 120 years, we have been known primarily as a field band with an unparalleled string of victories (including 129 first place trophies in 130 competitive parades!).
Honor Band
The Virginia Tech Honor Band takes place annually in January in Blacksburg and accepts students by band director’s recommendation. Visiting students and directors participate in rehearsals, clinics, and performances with Virginia Tech music faculty and guest clinicians. The weekend culminates with performances in the Anne and Ellen Fife Theatre in the Moss Arts Center. This concert is free and open to the public.