Nicole Molumby, flute | Andria Fennig, piano
Concert Artist Series
April 7, 2024

Monday, Oct. 7, 2024 at 8 p.m.
Squires Recital Salon
Nicole Molumby is Associate Professor of Music at Boise State University, Department of Music, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate flute students and first year aural skills. She is an active performer, adjudicator, ad clinician throughout the country and Europe. This fall she will release her first CD with MSR Classical Records entitled Awakening: 21st Century Slovenian Flute Music with music by Blaž Pucihar, Črt Sojar Voglar, and Peter Kopač.
Andria Fennig has served on the faculties of Arizonia State University, the University of Hawaii-Manoa, the Maricopa Community College District, and Grand Canyon University. Fennig has a broad and all-encompassing performance background including solo and collaborative artistry, and chamber music performance.
On the program: works by Blaz Pucihar, Eve Beglarian, Ian Clarke, Jean-Michel Damase.