Greg W. Justice
Greg W. Justice, Associate Professor

School of Performing Arts
243 Henderson Hall (0141)
195 Alumni Mall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540-231-5335 |
Greg Justice began teaching at Virginia Tech in 1983, teaching all levels of acting and movement courses. He now serves as Undergraduate Coordinator for Theatre and Cinema.
He has acted in over 100 shows, directed over 40 productions, and offers workshops and executive coaching on "The Art of Business: Using Acting Techniques in Presentations, Sales and Corporate Communication" for businesses and business organizations.
- Production/Research Area: Director, Acting Skills for Business Uses
- Teaching Areas: Acting, Movement
- MFA, The Pennsylvania State University
- BFA, University of Utah
- Virginia Theatre Association (V.T.A.)
- Vice President, (1988-1989)
- Audition Coordinator (1986-1993)
- Board Member (1986-1989)
- Member, Southeastern Theatre Conference (S.E.T.C.)
- Member, Association of Theatre in Higher Education (A.T.H.E.)
- Member, Society for Literature in Science (S.L.S.)
- Member, American Society for Training and Development (A.S.T.D.)
What is your favorite place on campus? Why?
One of my favorite places on this campus is the Squires Studio Theatre, which opened in 1990. It is one of the nicest performing spaces I have ever seen or have worked. It is a 220-seat, modified thrust theatre. This makes the space quite intimate. No audience member sits more that 40 feet from the stage. There are 17 different entrances to get onto the playing surface. The space is equipped with some of the best technology in the nation.
Perhaps my most favorite aspect of this stage is how it beckons an actor to perform when they stand on the stage. It is truly a special place. Many times, when standing alone on the stage with no one in the auditorium, I start to work on and perform a monologue to no one, simply because the stage itself asked me to practice my art.
I was privileged to direct the first show that played in the Studio Theatre. It was William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night's Dream. Since then I have directed over forty productions on that stage. I never get tired of working in the space.
Something Unexpected:
Things about myself that often surprise students is when they discover the variety of arts that I like to explore. Theatre is where my main passion in art lies. However, I also practice art in several other ways. I am a musician. I played trumpet for eleven years and started university as a music major.
I am a carver and sculpture of Inuit-based, soapstone art. The Inuit are the Eskimos of the far north. They have an age-old tradition of carving indigenous animals and people out of soapstone. It is an art form I became fascinated with years ago while vacationing in Canada. I have carved numerous polar bears, walrus, loons, and Eskimos out of soapstone. My works have been juried on a few occasions and I have sold a number of pieces. One other art love I have is photography. To date, I have taken over 50,000 digital photographs. I focus on landscapes (especially in the American West) and wildlife.