Results for: foundations of education research
foundations of education research
Home ItemFoundations of Education Program , home
Students in the Foundations of Education Doctoral Program build individualized, interdisciplinary programs of study to help them address pressing issues in education at all levels, both locally and globally. Foundations of Education students acquire skills and tools from the humanities and social sciences—the philosophy, history, politics, and sociology of education—that enable critique and creative responses to educational challenges. We have special program focus on critical theory, rural education, literacy, social justice, equity, and inclusion. We emphasize applying research and theories to practice and policy. The program’s relatively small size allows for close interaction and collaboration between doctoral students and Virginia Tech's world class faculty.
- tag: education interdisciplinary doctorate
- tag: education politics
- tag: Social and Political Philosophy
- tag: inclusion in education
- tag: inclusion studies in education
- tag: Diversity
- tag: Interdisciplinary Education Graduate Program
- tag: social justice education studies
- tag: Social Inequality
- tag: Adolescent Literacy
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: diversity and inclusion
- tag: Social Movements
- tag: School of Education
- tag: educational political studies
- tag: diversity and community engagement courses
- tag: Literacy Education
- tag: equity in education
- tag: History of Rhetoric
- tag: equity studies in education
- tag: sociology of education
- tag: foundation of education studies
- tag: best education graduate programs
- tag: History of Humanist Education
- tag: foundations of education research
- tag: history of education
- tag: diversity studies
- tag: critical theory in education
- tag: philosophy of education
- tag: foundations of education
- tag: the intersections of practice among STEM education areas
- tag: Race and Diversity
- tag: best graduate education programs
- tag: listening literacy
- tag: gender diversity
- tag: Digital Literacy
- tag: social justice in education
- tag: history of moral and political philosophy
- tag: rural education studies
- tag: history of education studies
- tag: doctoral programs in education
- tag: Literacy Studies
General ItemAbout the Foundations of Education Program
Students in the Foundations of Education Doctoral Program build individualized, interdisciplinary programs of study to help them address pressing issues in education at all levels, both locally and globally. Foundations of Education students acquire skills and tools from the humanities and social sciences—the philosophy, history, politics, and sociology of education—that enable critique and creative responses to educational challenges. We have special program focus on critical theory, rural education, literacy, social justice, equity, and inclusion. We emphasize applying research and theories to practice and policy. The program’s relatively small size allows for close interaction and collaboration between doctoral students and Virginia Tech's world class faculty.
- tag: education interdisciplinary doctorate
- tag: education politics
- tag: inclusion studies in education
- tag: inclusion in education
- tag: Diversity
- tag: Interdisciplinary Education Graduate Program
- tag: social justice education studies
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: diversity and inclusion
- tag: School of Education
- tag: educational political studies
- tag: diversity and community engagement courses
- tag: Literacy Education
- tag: equity in education
- tag: equity studies in education
- tag: cultural and religious diversity
- tag: sociology of education
- tag: foundation of education studies
- tag: best education graduate programs
- tag: literacy education doctorate program
- tag: foundations of education research
- tag: history of education
- tag: diversity studies
- tag: critical theory in education
- tag: politics of education
- tag: foundations of education
- tag: philosophy of education
- tag: Race and Diversity
- tag: best graduate education programs
- tag: gender diversity
- tag: social justice in education
- tag: Social Transformation
- tag: history of education studies
- tag: rural education studies
- tag: doctoral programs in education
- tag: Social Policy
- tag: Literacy Studies
General ItemFoundations of Education
Students in the Foundations of Education Doctoral Program build individualized, interdisciplinary programs of study to help them address pressing issues in education at all levels, both locally and globally. Foundations of Education students acquire skills and tools from the humanities and social sciences—the philosophy, history, politics, and sociology of education—that enable critique and creative responses to educational challenges. We have special program focus on critical theory, rural education, literacy, social justice, equity, and inclusion. We emphasize applying research and theories to practice and policy. The program’s relatively small size allows for close interaction and collaboration between doctoral students and Virginia Tech's world class faculty.
- tag: excellence in doctoral education programs
- tag: education interdisciplinary doctorate
- tag: education politics
- tag: Critical Theory
- tag: foundations of education research
- tag: history of education
- tag: Critical Pedagogy
- tag: Interdisciplinary Education Graduate Program
- tag: critical theory
- tag: Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity
- tag: critical theory in education
- tag: politics of education
- tag: philosophy of education
- tag: foundations of education
- tag: best education doctoral programs
- tag: diversity and inclusion
- tag: School of Education
- tag: Education Policy
- tag: sociology of education
- tag: Educational Policy
- tag: foundation of education studies
- tag: history of education studies
- tag: literacy education doctorate program
General ItemIntegrative STEM Education
The Integrative STEM Education program at Virginia Tech offers a graduate certificate and degrees at three different levels: master of arts in education degree (M.A.Ed.), education specialist degree (Ed.S.), and doctoral degrees (Ph.D. or Ed.D.). Graduates of the Virginia Tech Integrative STEM Education program are among the most sought after professionals in higher education. Since the program’s inception, there has been a 100% post-secondary education placement rate for our doctoral graduates. Integrative STEM Education serves as the theoretical and pedagogical premise for technological/engineering (T/E) design based teaching and learning practices. The goal of T/E design based learning is distinct in that it seeks to promote integrative STEM thinking through the design of a product, system, or environment that provides solutions to practical problems. Technological/Engineering design embodies habits of both hand and mind that together afford the learner knowledge and understanding necessary for developing appropriate solutions to human wants and needs. The faculty works closely with students to tailor their learning experiences to meet their goals.
- tag: excellence in doctoral education programs
- tag: education interdisciplinary doctorate
- tag: education colleges
- tag: foundations of education research
- tag: gender in STEM
- tag: School of Education
- tag: doctoral program in integrative stem
- tag: graduate certificate program in integrative stem education
- tag: STEM and engineering-related professional development for in-service K-12 teachers
- tag: science education doctorate
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: best education doctoral programs
- tag: the intersections of practice among STEM education areas
- tag: STEM education
- tag: women in STEM
- tag: best science education doctorate
- tag: doctoral programs in education
- tag: Teacher learning in STEM education
- tag: Disabilities in STEM
General ItemResearch and Outreach at the SOE
The Virginia Tech School of Education is committed to fostering the highest quality research and scholarly practice in its faculty and students. Our faculty are active researchers and inspire great commitment to rigor, informing theory and practice, and the expansion of understanding of learning, instruction, and leadership in our students at every level. Our graduates consistently achieve as leaders in their fields, as do our faculty. With nearly $17 million in externally Funded Research, our faculty are widely recognized and awarded support for their ongoing work.
- tag: international and cross-cultural research in education
- tag: Funded Research
- tag: international and cross-cultural research
- tag: Distance learning
- tag: professional development rural teachers Virginia
- tag: disability studies in education
- tag: CITSIE
- tag: faculty professional development and career preparation underrepresented
- tag: HI bridge
- tag: researchers in science edcuation
- tag: educational opportunities for children and youth with disabilities
- tag: foundations of education research
- tag: HBCU Instructors Bridge to Academia Project
- tag: educational research in africa
- tag: Preparation of instructional technology professionals
- tag: VA Career View
- tag: rural education research
- tag: Virginia careerview
- tag: Innovations in technology
- tag: Training and Technical Assistance Center
- tag: Research Project
- tag: Underrepresented Minority STEM Doctoral Candidates
- tag: Historically Black Universities
- tag: VA careerview
- tag: rural higher education (Appalachia)
- tag: increase underrepresented STEM faculty
- tag: TTAC
- tag: research underrepresented minorities
- tag: Distance learning research
- tag: excellence in doctoral education programs
- tag: Center for Instructional Technology Solutions for Industry and Education
- tag: Research
- tag: rural education outreach
- tag: AGEP Alliance
- tag: Excellence in Educational Research
- tag: contribute to educational success of children and youth with disabilities
- tag: instructional technology research and outreach
- tag: agep
- tag: science education research
- tag: africa education research and outreach
- tag: virginia career view
- tag: CRaDIE
- tag: Research Centers
- tag: educational technology research
- tag: Research Methods and Methodologies
- tag: rural education
- tag: HI Bridge to Academia Fellowship Program
- tag: disability outreach in education
- tag: Center for Rural Education
- tag: HI Bridge to Academia Faculty Mentoring Program
- tag: Center for Research and Development in International Education
- tag: hbus
- tag: Student Research
- tag: rural education studies
- tag: international and cross-cultural outreach activities
- tag: Design, development, and evaluation of learning experiences
General ItemOffice of Educational Research and Outreach
The Office of Educational Research and Outreach (OERO) supports faculty and graduate students in Virginia Tech’s School of Education as they pursue evidence-based empirical and qualitative inquiries related to education, training, program and product evaluation, and related venues in statewide, national, and international contexts.
Home ItemCurriculum and Instruction Programs , home
Virginia Tech's School of Education offers master's degrees and educational specialist degrees in a wide variety of licensure areas, including elementary education, mathematics education, biology education, chemistry education, physics education, earth science education, english and language arts education, history and social sciences education, career and technical education, agricultural education, business information technology education, family and consumer sciences education, marketing education, reading specialist, school counseling, principal preparation, and superintendent preparation. If you are a provisionally licensed educator in Virginia, you will need to complete your testing and professional studies coursework within three (3) years of beginning your employment. Provisionally licensed CTE teachers, we have the courses you need, and, because you are working professionals, we offer them online! If you are a licensed and practicing educator who seeks to add to your teaching specialties or to pursue a leadership position in education, consider one of our Professional Development licensure or endorsement M.A.Ed. or Ed.S. programs. Did you know that teachers licensed and practicing in the Commonwealth of Virginia may be eligible for a 25% discount on their tuition?
- tag: college of education admission requirements
- tag: Instructional Design and Technology
- tag: Teacher qualifications
- tag: Integrative STEM Education
- tag: School of Education
- tag: teacher development and preparation
- tag: Virginia State Literacy Association
- tag: educational technology graduate program online
- tag: colleges for education majors
- tag: pre education
- tag: instructional design and technology
- tag: literacy education doctorate program
- tag: Teacher learning in STEM education
- tag: elementary education course
- tag: classes required for elementary education
- tag: foundations of education research
- tag: Teacher Training
- tag: Quantitative Literacy
- tag: STEM and engineering-related professional development for in-service K-12 teachers
- tag: foundations of education
- tag: Foundations of Education
- tag: elementary education requirements
- tag: educational technology graduate program
- tag: educational psychology masters
- tag: masters program in integrative stem
- tag: Creating Conditions for Success for New Teachers
- tag: graduate program in instructional design
- tag: educational technology masters program online
- tag: Career and Technical Education
- tag: instructional design doctoral program
- tag: English Teacher licensure
- tag: english education major
- tag: instructional design
- tag: Adolescent Literacy
- tag: Literacy Education
- tag: instructional design masters program
- tag: Teacher Education, Professional Development (preservice and inservice)
- tag: educational technology program
- tag: music education
- tag: music education degree
- tag: best colleges for educational psychology
- tag: Vocational and Technical Education
- tag: Teacher Education
- tag: best universities for educational psychology
- tag: educational technology masters program
- tag: instructional design doctorate program
- tag: doctoral program in integrative stem
- tag: Educational Psychology
- tag: best educational psychology program
- tag: graduate certificate program in instructional design
- tag: educational psychology excellence
- tag: educational technology doctoral program
- tag: the intersections of practice among STEM education areas
- tag: education major classes
- tag: educational psychology doctorate
- tag: Secondary education
- tag: educational psychology doctoral program
- tag: listening literacy
- tag: Education
- tag: educational psychology studies
- tag: instructional design and technology
- tag: instructional design graduate program
- tag: Literacy Studies
- tag: music teacher education requirements